Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So... I am a mother of an 18 year old who will graduate from high school in TWO days! Can it be? Where have all those wonder years gone? How has my baby grown up? And WHY can't he live here forever? Granted, had I known at this time last week that I would actually be preparing for his graduation in two days, I would have taken a few less Zanex and would have invested less money in to my supply of TUMS. No matter, my desire for him to leave the nest was not augmented in the midst of the stress that accompanied the last four weeks. He lights up a room when he walks in, and I love it.

Graduation is providing more than just a finality of his public education days. Graduation is providing him with a physical, emotional, and mental realization that he can now choose for himself... and doesn't have to check in with me for approval of those choices. HEY!!! Who says I WANT him to realize that?!? What if I don't think he is ready to leave and face the harsh realities of life on his own. And what if I don't think I am ready to face the harsh realities of life without him here?

I'll miss him attacking his siblings... and his parents. He is like a little kitten jumping out from around every corner. He springs out at us, and next thing we know, we are caught in a wrestling war that seems to act like a magnet drawing the whole family in to it. He never has to win, he just likes to play and get us all involved. Saying he doesn't need to win should not imply that he doesn't like to push people to the very limit before he lets them win. THAT part he does very well.

I love how he understands my feelings and needs without having to be told. His future wife is VERY lucky! (Maybe I'll start making really good meals - just so he'll be here more.)

Actually, he doesn't have any plans to move out or go anywhere in the near future. I suppose that this graduation time is just a reminder for me that my anxiety over him leaving is not unwarranted. Eventually it will happen. sniffle... sniffle.... I'll be fine, but I AM going to talk to Rich about his new project - a basement apartment! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! Where HAVE all the years gone?