Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Should I, or shouldn't I???

I'm a little chicken to post anything on my blog since my family is opposed to my writing anything of value on here. Oh well, since I am opposed to my family having an opinion of value... I guess I will post anyway! :) lol

I think family reunions are wonderful. I always get excited to make plans for them, and I go to them with all my hopes and dreams on the forefront of my mind. I've been accused of having an ideal for my family that is too high. I guess my ideal causes my siblings and my parents angst. Perhaps the ideal that I have is so wonderful and exciting that even the thought of changing from the way things are right now and moving to that "Celestial family" produces an overload of euphoric feelings for them which they are just not able to deal with (although I doubt it).

I actually think that my ideal produces weight. Not physical weight - although that is a possibility. I think it produces emotional weight called... "Obligation." (Not "oblation" - that is "an offering." But quite frankly, that too would produce discord in my family if it were included in my ideal! lol) No, I am referring to the uncomfortable motivating force that prods brothers and sisters to help one another when one of them is moving in to a new home. The force that goads siblings in to action (ie, going in to a church on a Saturday) when one of them is baptizing a child. The knowledge that exists deep within that causes people to check on friends and family even when it is not convenient.

That weight of obligation must be pretty darn heavy. I know I am emotionally exhausted because of it, since I have been talking about it so much lately. And I really AM exhausted - a place I don't get to very often.


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