Sunday, March 22, 2009

Death by initiation... or WHO'S YOUR COUPON MAMA???

So, I just read one of those forwarded e-mails that we all HATE to get. You know, the ones that we can disprove by going to and looking it up. (and yes, I've seen the new one that disproves snopes... lol) This one talked about "gang initiations" going on in my county this weekend - the initiation rite was that they have to kill three women at Walmart. Anyway, for a sec, I was freaked out, cuz if it were true... I COULDA BEEN KILLED!!!

See, I was at Walmart in AF until 1am last night just relaxing for a few hours... you know that feeling, no? After my "check out high", I walked out to the car by myself with my "haul" ($175 original prices down to $37 oop using Qs) and loaded the car, then I studied my receipt (as all good addicts do) before driving off. Prolly not a smart thing to do in the first place, but the kids are in bed at that time, and I can think in the store by myself - well worth it... although had I been a victim of a gang initiation, I might not have thought that same way.

Anyway, I figured my fear was unwarranted. I mean, I'd up and scare the %&$^ out of anyone who tried to take "Roxy the Foxy Boxy" from me (that is the name of my coupon box that I take with me everywhere), much less tried to kill me. On the other hand, maybe I could have bribed them with some Yoplait Kids Cups, or a box of Kelloggs cereal, or some Kotex pads... or even some KY Jelly - all of which I got free! LOLOL Then I'd yell "Who's your coupon mama?" which would weird them out enough that they'd be runnin the other way!