Saturday, February 20, 2010


I love change.  I always have.  Yes, I love change like quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies... but that AIN'T the kinda change I'm talkin 'bout.  I'm thinking about all the others; physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual.

Out of those five areas, I think physical change is the easiest.  Pack up, move down the road - Tada!  Change accomplished. 

Social change might be the next in line.  I mean, with all the social media avenues available lately, a person can change socially with a few strokes of the keyboard.  Those avenues allow us to be who ever we want to be... for better or for worse.

Intellectual comes next in my mind... ha ha, pun intended.  ;o)  Making the decision to change intellectually begins the intellectual change right there!  Deciding to read new genres, or taking a class that is out of a comfort zone, or even choosing a new blog to follow - those seem to be pretty simple ways to make intellectual changes.

I think emotional and spiritual kind of go together.  At least they seem to right now.  Those two areas would be the ones that have been with us the longest - I mean, we are born with those "identities" whereas the other three seem to be more choice oriented. 

Aren't we? 

Born with those? 

Does our emotional and spiritual "self" make up who we are from even before birth?

I know I'd like to debate this whole issue with myself - and I could probably do a good job.  However at 12:30 am, I can barely keep both eyes open, much less keep my fingers in the correct place on the keyboard!

Why am I writing in the first place?

Nobody follow me, ok?


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