Saturday, February 7, 2009


So... I have just NOT been in a good mood lately. I mean, I am not really myself. Not sure what could cause me to lose who I have always been, but it COULD be an inordinate amount of uncommon stressors. I can deal with stress that I know and understand. But when things happen that I am not prepared to have happen... well I cave to the feelings that belong to "normal" people. (Cuz yeah, for some reason I think I am above the "normal" feelings that "normal" people have when stressed.)

Why do I like to question everything? What is wrong with just accepting what people say is real? ...people I respect and believe, of course. There must really be a RIGHT and a WRONG, a REAL and a NOT REAL to everything - otherwise why would it constantly drive me crazy until I figure it out?

Maybe I should study math. Math is just plain old correct or incorrect, whereas psychology/sociology is so subjective. If I think through a math problem, there is eventually an END. If I think through a people problem, I can go on and on and on and on... there is NO end!

Take religion... or um... maybe don't take religion.

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