Saturday, September 6, 2008

Education vs Coupons

Did I happen to mention that with my special education degree from a 4 year college, I get paid a whopping $8.92 per hour to work full-time in a special ed class over at the high school... and that the "head sweeper" gets paid $2 more per hour that me? Well, if I didn't happen to mention that, then I am mentioning it now. :dunno:

As I was sitting here fuming :mad: over my hourly wage while trying to figure out all the great deals for my WSA (Weekend Shopping Extravaganza), I was realizing that I could possibly make more money shopping than I can working!!!!!!!!! Now there is really something wrong with that, isn't there? I mean, I can make some fairly good money this weekend by purchasing Poptarts, Rice Krispy Treats, Robitussin, and Crest Mouthwash. I can add to my stockpile of snack, self-care products, and my bank account all at the same time.

They say "Money can't buy happiness". That may be true for some people (myself :wiggle: NOT included! LOL), however I'm lovin' my new mantra: "Coupons can buy money"!! :D

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